Wednesday, October 11, 2006

political junkie

so, normally I hate talking about politics, mainly becuase it tends to lead to arguements. but i can't help but be excited about the possibility of Mitt Romney getting the GOP nomination for 2008. I am a junkie. I check and several times a day for the latest news. It seems like he's building good momentum. Most conservatives can't stand McCain or Rudy, and there aren't too many other viable options in the republican party right now. The other "other" canidate was supposed to be George Allen, but it turns out he says too many racist things in the news and is too wrapped up in scandal to get the nomination now. And then there's Mitt's awesome record as governor and before that a succesful venture capitalist and CEO of one of the most prestigious consulting firms around. harvard MBA and JD, BYU undergrad. anyway, I'm all for him. and it looks like more and more people are thinking that way these days. just my 2 cents and perhaps the only politcal commentary you will get out of me all year.


Blogger HornInFBb said...

I had no idea!

anyway, I'm not following Mitt, just hear bits and pieces about him in religion blogs and TIME and such. Not knowing enough to be a Mitt fan, I just hope McCain isn't written off so fast!

8:50 AM  
Blogger james said...

john, i'm glad you still read this. you should start a blog so i can see pictures of you an hillary and be tempted to come back and visit again.

1:22 PM  

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