Sunday, April 15, 2007

run, finals

on saturday i was irresponsible and skipped studying to go run the brooklyn half marathon. it was a great choice. i went with a pretty big group of friends and it was cool to have a sort of team spirit about it and to go out for a big brunch together afterward. i finished in 1:42:04, which is about 5:30 faster than what i did at the bronx half in february, and about a 7:47 min/mile pace. i'm pretty happy with the time, but of course going to do better at the next one. i was shooting for 1:40:00 so that is some pretty good motivation.

in other news, finals are coming up and I am feeling terribly under prepared. if any if you are constitutional law scholars, please let me know so i can have you teach me some things. actually, in case you are wondering what law school is really like, it's the sort of thing where knowing a brilliant scholar probably wouldn't even help. in fact, i've been listening to three brilliant scholar lectures a week in that class and still would bomb the test if i took it today. i think it's just a matter of putting in the time so that i'll know the right vocabulary of cases and principles to use on the test. and that's why i feel under prepared, because as of right now, i speak con law the way a dog speaks english (meaning i understand my name and when you tell me to do one of three things, but couldn't communicate anything more meaning full that a few variations on the same barking sound at different volumes and frequencies). in a few days i hope to be like a parrot who can produce a few recognizable words but doesn't understand any of them. and then by the time the tests are here, i hope to be a fully functioning dolphin that can speak by pressing different buttons with its nose, or less metaphoricaly, a law student who can tell you when a law will be invalidated under the due process clause rather than the equal protection clause. wish me luck, and more importantly, if you catch me screwing around, please tell me to get back to studying.


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