Thursday, November 29, 2007


i feel very rich today. i finally got my financial aid check for this semester. yes, the check with which i was supposed to pay my rent for september, october, november, and december, as well as buy groceries and textbooks for the semester. basically, the point is to say that my school's financial aid department is incompetent, and that if it weren't for the luck of having a bit of money saved and generous parents, i would have starved to death this semester while interest accrued on my loans that sat in their bank account.

on the more upbeat side of things, studying for finals is going well and i think i will make it. lots of work to do still, but i think i'm working at a fast enough pace to know what i need to know on time. i'll be coming home around the 20th, so see you then.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

going dark

oh crap its november 15th and i just realized how little work i've done for school this semester. finals are about a month away now, so i'm going to the library and not coming out until then. blogging frequency will probably stay about the same lol. if you happen to talk to me, please remind me to get back to studying ok?

Saturday, November 10, 2007

remember how the police stole my moped?

this dude knows what its like to be me.

Friday, November 09, 2007

the 1994 "24" pilot

do you remember when this was how we lived?

Saturday, November 03, 2007

do you...

do you ever wake up and wonder, is it Christmas?